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Mini workshop 3 | Training your self-belief

Part 3 of 3

The most common struggle we hear from new graduates is not knowing how to build confidence.

Here's a three-part mini workshop series to help you to build your courage, confidence and self-belief. 

It’s easy for people to say “Believe in yourself”. But how do you believe in yourself when you're a newbie? Or when you don’t have experience of the thing you want to do? Or when you’re having a day where you just don’t feel confident?  

Here, we’ll go through three practical tools to help you train your self-belief.

In this mini workshop you will:

  • Learn how to challenge negative self-talk and beliefs

  • Reflect on the great things you’ve done

  • Understand the importance of celebrating your successes, no matter how small

Feel free to share your thoughts, reflections and stories below. We call it learning in community.

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More in this mini-series…

This workshop is part 3 of a three-part series. Explore parts 1 and 2 now.

This post is part of our campaign to help the Class of 2024 to build their human skills. We’d love for you to help us share it with as many graduates as possible 💌


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