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Mini workshop 1 | Courage comes before confidence

Part 1 of 3

The most common struggle we hear from new graduates is not knowing how to build confidence.

Here's a three-part mini workshop series to help you to build your courage, confidence and self-belief. 

Confidence is the number one human skill that people tell me they most want to build. But did you know you don’t always need confidence to do something big and scary? 

You need courage.

In this mini workshop you will:

  • Understand the difference between courage and confidence

  • Uncover your story of courage

  • Explore how you can take leaps of courage to get to where you want to be

Feel free to share your thoughts, reflections and stories below. We call it learning in community.

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More in this mini-series…

This workshop is part 1 of a three-part series. Explore parts 2 and 3 now.

This post is part of our campaign to help the Class of 2024 to build their human skills. We’d love for you to help us share it with as many graduates as possible 💌


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Let's Talk Human Skills
Let's Talk Human Skills